ICGEB Arturo Falaschi PhD Fellowships 2023 for Africans

Applications for the ICGEB Arturo Falaschi PhD Fellowships are now being accepted from eligible candidates. This fellowships are for students from African countries

ICGEB Arturo Falaschi PhD Fellowships

About the ICGEB

The ICGEB comprises three Component laboratories located in Trieste, Italy, New Delhi, India, and Cape Town, South Africa. These laboratories conduct more than 45 ongoing research projects in various fields such as Infectious and Non-communicable diseases, Medical, Industrial, and Plant Biology Biotechnology.

On February 3, 1994, the ICGEB transitioned into an independent International Organization and currently boasts a membership of over 65 countries worldwide.

Benefits of ICGEB Arturo Falaschi PhD Fellowships

1. The monthly stipend varies based on the location as follows: Trieste (Italy) offers a stipend of Euro 1,300, New Delhi (India) provides US$ 1,020, and Cape Town (South Africa) offers ZAR 14,000.

2. Travel provisions: The fellowship covers travel expenses from the participant's home country to the ICGEB lab at the beginning of the fellowship, and return travel expenses upon completion of the fellowship.

3. Medical health insurance coverage is included for the entire duration of the fellowship.

4. The fellowship covers university tuition fees for the entire period of PhD registration.

5. Reimbursement of visa/permit of stay application and renewal costs.

6. The Group Leader / PI generally provides support for participation in Meetings and Courses.

7. Please note that ICGEB does not provide financial support or administrative assistance for family members accompanying participants in the program.

Requirements for ICGEB Arturo Falaschi PhD Fellowships 

1. To be eligible for ICGEB Fellowships, individuals must hold citizenship in an ICGEB Member State. However, it is important to note that residents of India and South Africa, which are classified as ICGEB Host Countries, are not eligible to apply for Fellowships within their own respective nations.

2. For applicants interested in ICGEB Trieste, a BSc (Honors) degree is required. On the other hand, applicants applying to ICGEB Cape Town and New Delhi should possess an MSc degree.

3. Proficiency in the English language is necessary, demonstrated by a proficiency certificate (such as TOEFL, Cambridge certificate, or equivalent), unless the applicant has undergone their scholastic education in English.

4. Applicants for ICGEB Trieste must be under the age of 32 at the time of application. There are no age restrictions for individuals applying for ICGEB New Delhi and Cape Town.

Documents Required for Application

As part of the application process, candidates will need to submit the following documents in PDF format:

1. Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) providing detailed information about your academic and professional background.

2. Academic records, including diploma certificates and transcripts that provide a comprehensive overview of completed courses, final examinations, credit values or course hours, and grades obtained.

Please note that all academic documents must originate from the degree-granting university, bear official seals and signatures, and should be submitted in their original language.

If the documents are not in English, an official English translation of each document should accompany them.

3. Submission of a written statement from the ICGEB Group Leader is necessary.

4. A valid identification document such as a passport or identity card. It is recommended that your passport is valid for at least 12 months.

5. English Certificate (TOEFL, Cambridge, or equivalent). This document is mandatory for applicants to Trieste but not required if your scholastic education has been conducted in English.


Prospective applicants are advised to reach out to their preferred ICGEB Group Leader/Principal Investigator (PI) by sending a motivation letter. This initial contact serves two purposes: to ascertain the availability of laboratory space and to collaboratively develop a research project proposal that will be an essential component of the application.

It is important to emphasize that obtaining a written statement from the ICGEB Group Leader, whom you have been in correspondence with and who has indicated their willingness to support your research project, is a mandatory requirement.

Application Deadline

March 31, 2023.

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