The Danish Government Scholarship Program 2023 Application Update
The Danish Government Scholarship Program is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the Danish Government in Partnership with the University of Copenhagen.
About the Scholarship
These scholarships are highly competitive and only open to students with exceptional academic records.
Recipients of the Danish Government Scholarship may receive either a complete or partial waiver of tuition fees or a sum of money that will cover their basic living expenses.
The University solely awards scholarships based on academic merit and does not consider financial need as a factor in determining scholarship eligibility.
Benefits of Danish Government Masters Scholarship
The Masters Scholarship offered by the Danish Government is a program that offers a limited number of grants and tuition waivers for students at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH).
Requirements for Danish Government Masters Scholarship
To qualify for a Danish Government Scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:
1. Be a citizen of a country not included in the European Union, European Economic Area, or Switzerland.
2. Be admitted to a master's program at the University of Copenhagen.
Have a temporary residence permit specifically for
pursuing higher education in Denmark.
you are not eligible for the scholarship if:
You have a valid claim to Danish citizenship.
You qualify for a grant under the State
Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) as defined by Danish law.
How to Apply
Non-EU/EEA candidates who meet the requirements
for the MA or MSc programs at the University of Copenhagen will be
automatically considered for the Danish Government Scholarship, without needing
to apply separately.
The University of Copenhagen will contact the
nominees via the email address they provided during the admissions process.
Nominees must either accept or decline the scholarship offer.
If a scholarship offer is not accepted by the
deadline specified in the email, the offer will be cancelled, and the
scholarship will be offered to another candidate.
Therefore, it is essential to regularly check your email, including your spam folder, to avoid missing important messages from the University.
Application Deadline
January 15, 2023.
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